Conference review by Marieke van Dam – director RINO amsterdam

The beautifully renovated Hotel CASA in Amsterdam almost burst at the seams on Friday 22 March. More than 350 school psychologists attended the lustrum conference on Learning to Learn with the subtitle: Peeking at our Flemish neighbors.

We looked back with pride on 10 years of postgraduate training as a School Psychologist, in Amsterdam and Nijmegen. More than 250 people have completed the training to date.

There were super beautiful keynote presentations, fascinating parallel sessions, a choreographer who literally got us moving and an illustrator who depicted what was discussed on the spot. The day ended with an alumni meeting, the start of a hopefully very active alumni network, which will put “the School Psychologist” even more clearly on the Dutch education and care map.

The photos give an impression of a beautiful day!

The next congress is already planned: Friday March 20, 2020!